Knowledge sherpa: one who helps people sort through their thoughts

That’s what I do

My role as a coach is to partner with you to help you find your own answers. Any answers that I may have for you would likely frustrate you. No one but you has the keys to unlock your personal ambitions and motivations. However, I do bring a diverse background to our conversations that allows me to empathize with a wide variety of situations.


In the last 30 years, I have

  • Raised two exceptional young adults
  • Earned a Masters degree and other graduate studies from Westminster College and the University of Utah, as well as professional coaching from Erickson International
  • Enjoyed extensive corporate experience with 3M, RightNow, Oracle and SAP
  • Been a Human Experience Management (HXM) thought leader and Client Engagement Executive for companies such as Nike, Nordstrom, Nestle, MD Anderson and United Airlines.
  • Led several high-performing teams for global technology organizations, accountable for recruiting hundreds of professionals and renewing millions of dollars in total revenue.
  • Developed an insatiable hunger for lifelong learning.


I currently live in Bozeman, Montana and enjoy the opportunity to coach professionals at SAP.

What has really defined my journey has been my quest for professional satisfaction.


Three decades later, I’m just getting started. In the spirit of “better late than never,” I created HX Talent to provide the type of service that I wish I had when I was younger.


My purpose is to help others identify and  accomplish what is important to them.


I am most passionate about working with young professionals–whether young in age (like my kids) or young in spirit (like myself).


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“A ship is always safe at shore. But that is not what it is built for.”                                                                                    – Albert Einstein